The podcast has a great base but JimJim wants to tap into that base by attracting email signups for his newsletter and alerting listeners when new podcast episodes come out and driving listener engagement with his brand.
Final Outcomes.
Listener signups for newsletter and new podcast alerts tripled.
It all began with Research.
I researched the best and most cost-effective user flows for making the Guide to Reinvention downloadable and increasing sign-ups for the JJRR newsletter.
Research findings.
The most cost-effective strategy was to use Mail Chimp to manage newsletter signups and lead magnet downloads.
Research in Action.
A system was implemented utilizing Mail Chimp’s free offerings as well as a beautifully designed and written lead magnet to drive listener engagement with the podcast- and of course, a new website was designed to support the drive for listener engagement.
The Secret Sauce.
Designed Delight.
With JimJim’s written copy, I was able to produce in Canva a beautiful lead magnet that increased listener engagement with his brand.